b design

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I need to play in the dirt, hug trees , eat more root veggies, stand still, not multi task, drop down to earth, But I am balloon like , floating on air. This is not what I pictured my life to be. But this is it , at least today.
How do I begin to ask for things ? I'm learning I can ask for these things that I want in my life , but I have to be specific and clear, I have to know. But I don't know lots of the time , lots of the time I just don't know yet.
So , what do I do? I float on up in my little red balloon and I ask for it vaguely, using a few key words to summarize something extravagant, something that deserves attention. I get what I asked for , but it's not what I want. The planning, the time, the careful attention did not occur prior to my asking so I wind up realizing it's not really what I truly want.
It's time that is hard, it's waiting to know that is painful , it's the this , and this all disappoints me sometimes.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bïyan bolzïn

( THANK you for )
1. Fruity gum
2. Being slipped an extra 25 bucks while serving pasta.
3. Movie stars in the grocery store.
4. Hot water and jets .
5. Continual reminders , ones that tell you ' you're okay, and tens minutes later say ' you're still okay.
6. Boston. Chicago. Portland. Philly. NYC.
7. Peoples that I love , peoples that change me .
8. Disease and Faith , Faith being bigger.
9. Fans that rock you to sleep.
10. Good stories .
11. Masters at things to give minions like me advice.
12. Seasons .
13. This Big Blue Book , just knowing it's here.
14. Beautiful women , who inspire me.
15. Push up bras that make you feel like someone else.
16. Hewlett . This HP that gave me something to touch when I couldn't find you in all this space.
17. Burgers with cheese.