Winter funks suck. I've been in one , not having much control over the light , feeling stuck. That I believe is the worst feeling by far, "this too shall pass," "today is a new day," it's easy to say all this jazz but really feeling it can be hard! I have a stubborn mind. I realized three things (maybe 4 that change things around for me when the power's out) 1. Be Grateful; it's so obvious I know , but when I'm really grateful there's no room to be much else. 2. Talk to people , instead for some reason I want to flip off this planet of wacky apes , and spend my hours convincing myself I am not one of them. 3. Like myself, really like myself , right now at this moment, take a minute to remind myself what's good about me , what I already have instead of the constant gimee gimees.
4. DANCE . Just Dance ! Now this is more difficult as of late which had added to these winter blues. Reason being I'm coming to terms that I am not a "dancer" in the sense that I wish. I am a dancer because of the simple fact that I dance (especially when no one is looking)But I have been faced with alot of ,"So you think YOU can dance ?" I've been taking a lot of classes , intermediate modern ( way out of my league) , zumba , and on top of it I'm teaching a Dance / Fitness class as of the New Year ! Every cell in my groovin body screams, (what if they discover you're not really a dancer?) Than I begin to take something fun and turn it into a chore. OKAY , back to #4 Point of my tirade : DANCE , no matter what ! Move the body , move the spirit , let yourself turn on the lights.
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